Mimo & Bobo Plus
Meet Mimo and Bobo, the panda and the monkey, who are best friends. They are one of the most iconic characters of the Ducktv world. In this new series we see them as preschoolers, starting to go to a nursery school together, where they meet their new friends. We follow their adventures and activities in different situations and occasions, like a friend’s birthday or how they learn swimming. We meet their parents and their friend’s parents, and we get an overall insight in their jungle world. Mimo & Bobo Plus is a sequel of the DuckTv series Mimo & Bobo. The new target group are kids between 3-5 years old. In the stories there is a general focus on socialization, presented through the everyday life of preschoolers: interaction between family members, friends, neighbors, emphasizing similarities & differences between people/animals, social connection and learning from each other