Planet Jumpers
Planet Jumpers is a Ducktv version of the Jetsons series. The protagonist of the series is Luna, a preschool aged girl. The other main characters are her family and her friends of the nursery school. We follow her galactic adventures accompanied with his little brother Lou, and their beloved pet, Robodog. In each episode we see them travelling to different planets, like the ice cream planet, which they visit on her birthday, or the retro-styled planet of her grandparents. As a preschooler, she goes to the space nursery school, where she learns many things, like how to look after space plants. They live on their own planet, where we get an insight of their futuristic home. Planet Jumpers is a new 2D animation series of the DuckTv Plus channel. The target group are kids between 3-5 years old. Focus is on social skills presented through the everyday life of preschoolers and an educational objective to teach about space and planets.